
In the video linked above, Perry Automotive‘s Ryan Case shares his advice for having your tires in tip-top shape for the season!

  1. Make sure you have a deep enough tread on your tires. If your tires are worn out, they will slip and slide all over the pavement. To protect yourself, check your tread.
  2. Keep an eye on your stopping distance. Icy roads make it more difficult to stop suddenly. For this reason, keep your following distance (and stopping distance) in check. Don’t be the person who rear ends someone after slipping and sliding, if you can help it. Stop far enough back from the vehicle you’re behind to avoid accidents.
  3. Get your tires rotated. Without rotation, the tread can get uneven and cause choppiness on drives. This can contribute to accidents and difficulty driving, neither of which are ideal for winter. Visit your local automotive repair shop for a rotation as soon as possible.
  4. Make sure you have the correct load. A quick visit to your local automotive repair shop can ensure that you’ve got the right tires for the job you’re doing.

Before the snow and ice hit hard, make sure your tires are in good shape to take on winter’s challenges! Watch the video above for all of Ryan Case’s tips and tricks. Here at RV Transport Life, we do our best to provide resources, information, and advice to people in the RV industry. We wish you safe travels this winter!

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